Play Gunfu Game
Gunfu is a 2D shooter iO game that is free for all people from around the world to fight against each other on the same map. The main aim of you in the new battle is to become the best amongst the joiners on the server. To achieve the goal, you must destroy as many opponents as possible within one round.
It is feasible to begin Gunfu unblocked by using some simple weapons that you receive after appearing! Don’t worry! Your equipment will be changed when you level up and unlock upgrades which are also known as advanced guns. They are really handy to boost your killstreak progress. Remember to buy a shotgun, a sniper rifle, or anything if you are capable enough! You will lose everything when you die. Therefore, you are recommended to choose items carefully. Play Gunfu online you can select available tools to deploy as your preference. Besides, it is a good place to test your own shooting skill. Hop into the battlefield and show your capability now!
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How To Play Gunfu
Use the mouse to direct, LMB to fire, RMB to dash
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